411 Hubbard Hall Outbound
20220 Oliver and 21st South Bound
20222 Oliver and 25th South Bound
20225 WSU Welcome Center
20226 Oliver and 29th South Bound
20227 Oliver and 21st Northbound
20229 Oliver and Ethel Northbound
20231 WSU Metro Plex
21046 Elliott Hall IB
21049 Duerksen Fine Arts Center
21050 21st St & Oliver IB
21053 21st St and Oliver OB
300100 WSU YMCA
300101 WSU Food Truck
300105 WSU Wiedemann Hall
300106 Aspen Heights Apartments
300107 WSU Hyatt Eastboun
300108 WSU Innovation R.A.B.
300109 WSU Starbucks